A momentary lack of judgment or miscalculation in a situation can land even the most careful person, with a driving while impaired/driving under the influence (DWI/DUI) arrest.  A DWI/DUI is a complex matter that can have ramifications well beyond your day in court.  A DWI/DUI conviction will affect your ability to drive, future employment, educational opportunities, and your good name. Considering all of the potential risks and consequences, it is vital to carefully consider your legal options and work with a qualified DWI/DUI defense attorney.  At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, we will fight vigorously to protect your rights while we guide you through this difficult and stressful process.  Contact our office for a FREE Confidential DWI/DUI Consultation and know that you are in good hands.  (704) 910-6278

There is a big difference between arresting someone DWI/DUI and being able to prove all of the necessary elements for a conviction. Our firm will put our years of experience and expertise to work for you to create a thorough and individualized defense for your DWI/DUI.  Without a good attorney, you have little chance of getting the results you deserve; and bad results will have lasting consequences. Mr. Huntley is a former North Carolina State Prosecutor who has tried everything from a speeding ticket to a first-degree murder case.  As both a former prosecutor and defense attorney, Mr. Huntley has handled hundreds DWI cases. He is able to view a case from both sides of the fence and knows when to mount an aggressive defense or when to seek a plea deal with the prosecution. Hiring the right attorney to defend you against your DWI/DUI will be one of the most important choices that you will make.  Be sure to hire an attorney who is battle tested and has the legal knowhow to be an effective advocate in your case. Contact our office for a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced Charlotte DWI/DUI attorney at (704) 910-6278.

Fight Your DWI/DUI Conviction

Right now you might feel helpless but rest assured that there are legal strategies and techniques to fight almost every DWI/DUI.  There are individuals in North Carolina who are charged with DWI/DUI, who are found not guilty or have their charges dismissed everyday.  It is important to remember that you are presumed innocent and the fact that you blew a .08 or admitted drinking alcohol, hardly guarantees a conviction.  With a DWI/DUI there are a lot of laws and procedures that law enforcement must fully comply with to get a conviction.  If law enforcement fails to follow these laws or procedures exactly as they are written, often times your case will be dismissed outright or the judge will forbid certain damaging evidence from being introduced at trial.  A case that might look like an open and shut case to the untrained eye is almost always full of holes, which Mr. Huntley will exploit to help defend your case.

Why You Should Hire Our Firm

Find Out How We Can Help

At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, we offer a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced Charlotte DUI/DWI lawyer.  We welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person or over the phone to discuss your DWI/DUI and give you advice that will be tailored to your particular situation.  Contact our firm today at (704) 910-6278, and have the peace of mind that comes with hiring experienced legal counsel.







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DWI/DUI Information

  • Criminal Defense Blog

  • Testimonials

    North Carolina vs. K.T.- My client was in downtown Charlotte when an officer detected alcohol coming from the Defendant’s breath. The officer had the Defendant blow into an alcosensor and was able to see that the Defendant had consumed alcohol. I was able to negotiate a dismissal of the charges with the prosecutor.
    Charges Dismissed

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  • Recent Results

    Mr. Huntley did a great job helping me get out of my mess, 10 stars.

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