Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

The area of domestic violence law encompasses a number of different criminal charges which include assaults, communicating threats, harassing phone calls, stalking, cyber-stalking, and violations of domestic violence protective orders. What makes a crime a domestic violence offense is that the defendant and the alleged victim have some type of personal relationship with one another.  This relationship could be husband and wife, son and father, boyfriend and girlfriend, or brother and sister.

North Carolina takes domestic violence very seriously and even has separate courts and punishments for those charged with domestic violence crimes.  Domestic violence convictions can lead to jail time, effect future and current employment, child custody rights, and the right to own firearms. If you have been charged with a Charlotte domestic violence crime, it is imperative that you immediately speak with an attorney at the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, PLLC.  Our firm can provide smart advice and a skilled criminal defense to help ensure a favorable outcome in your case.  Contact our office for a FREE Confidential Consultation at (704) 910-6278.

The Mecklenburg County District Attorney’s Office has a “no drop” policy when it comes to domestic violence cases.  Even if you think that the accuser wants the case dropped or has said that they are not coming to court, the district attorney’s office will still try to prosecute your case with other witnesses. Mr. Huntley is a knowledgeable and skilled attorney who can help you even the playing field against the prosecution.

Mr. Huntley is a former North Carolina State Prosecutor and an experienced criminal defense attorney who personally handles each case.  As a prosecutor Mr. Huntley tried everything from a simple assault to a first-degree murder case. He is able to view a case from both sides of the fence and knows when to mount an aggressive defense or strike a deal with the prosecution.  As both a prosecutor and defense attorney, Mr. Huntley has handled hundreds of domestic violence cases.  Hiring an attorney to represent you against criminal charges will be one of the most important choices that you will make; be sure to pick an attorney who is battle tested and will fight aggressively to ensure a favorable outcome in you case.  Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley today.

Find Out How We Can Help

Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley and know that you are in good hands.  The sooner a criminal defense attorney is involved in your case, the better your chances are of avoiding formal charges and minimizing the penalties against you.  It is important to contact us as early in the process as possible, preferably even before you are charged or questioned by police.  Call today for a Free Confidential Consultation at (704) 910-6278 and put our experience to work for you.

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