Effect of DWI/DUI Conviction on Insurance Rates

Effect of DWI/DUI Conviction on Insurance Rates

A DWI/DUI conviction can be very costly. Not only are there court cost and fees associated with a conviction but down the road it will cause an increase in your insurance premiums. A DWI/DUI conviction will result in 12 insurance points. This translates into an almost 400% increase in the cost it will take to insure your vehicle. There are ways to fight a DWI/DUI conviction and one of the best ways to do this is to hire an experienced DWI/DUI attorney. At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, we have the experience and passion to help ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.
Without a good attorney you have little chance of getting the results you deserve and bad results will have lasting consequences. Mr. Huntley is a former North Carolina State Prosecutor who has tried everything from a speeding ticket to a first-degree murder case. As both a former prosecutor and defense attorney, Mr. Huntley has handled hundreds DWI cases. He is able to view a case from both sides of the fence and knows when to mount an aggressive defense or when to seek a plea deal with the prosecution. Hiring the right attorney to defend you against your DWI/DUI will be one of the most important choices that you will make. Be sure to hire an attorney who is battle tested and has the legal knowhow to be an effective advocate in your case. Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley for a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced Charlotte DWI/DUI attorney at (704) 910-6278.


Find Out How We Can Help

At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, we offer a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced traffic ticket attorney at an affordable price.  We welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person or over the phone to discuss your traffic matter and give you advice that will be tailored to your particular situation.  Contact our firm today at (704) 910-6278, to keep your driving record clean and more money in your wallet.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

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