I Blew A .08, Can A Lawyer Really Do Anything For Me?

I Blew A .08, Can A Lawyer Really Do Anything For Me?

At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, there are three very distinct and important things our firm can do that will help the outcome of your case, regardless of your blood alcohol concentration (B.A.C.).

 First: Our number one goal in your case will be to fight your DWI/DUI charge and help you avoid a convictionRegardless of your B.A.C., there are still many other elements of the crime that the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict someone of a DWI/DUI.  DWIs/DUIs are very technical offense with a lot of laws and procedures that law enforcement is required to follow.  If law enforcement fails to follow the law or procedures exactly as they are written, it can lead to a dismissal of your charges or certain damaging evidence being excluded from trial.  Mr. Huntley is a former prosecutor and knows the techniques that the prosecutor will use to get a conviction. Almost every DWI/DUI has holes in the case; Mr. Huntley will be able to find those holes and use them to your advantage.  The following page (have link to 5 ways to fight your dwi/dui) has just a sample of the techniques we will use to fight your DWI/DUI conviction.

Second: In the event you are convicted of DWI, a skilled attorney can still play a significant role in reducing the type of sentence that you can receive.  Our firm will work to reduce your punishment, including the amount of fines, the length of your community service, and the severity of the conditions of your probation.  It is important that you have a mouthpiece in the courtroom who can be your advocate and tell the court your side of the story. Let our firm represent you on your DWI/DUI charge and go in the courtroom confident with the knowledge that you are represented by skilled legal counsel.

Third: Our firm will help you get a limited driving privilege while you are awaiting disposition of your case. In the unfortunate event that you are convicted of DWI/DUI, our firm will help you get your limited driving privilege while you license is suspended.  We realize the importance a valid driver’s license plays in all aspects of your life and we will work diligently to get you back on the road.


Find Out How We Can Help

At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, we offer a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced traffic ticket attorney at an affordable price.  We welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person or over the phone to discuss your traffic matter and give you advice that will be tailored to your particular situation.  Contact our firm today at (704) 910-6278, to keep your driving record clean and more money in your wallet.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

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