Effect of N.C. Traffic Ticket on Out of State Drivers

Effect of N.C. Traffic Ticket on Out of State Drivers

Out of state drivers travel North Carolina highways and roads on a daily basis.  If you are an out of state driver and get a North Carolina traffic ticket, chances are this ticket will effect your driver’s license points and insurance premiums in your home state.  It is important to speak with a knowledgeable traffic ticket attorney at the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, to determine how an out of state ticket will affect you.  Contact our office for a FREE Confidential Consultation to keep more money in your wallet and points of your driving record.  (704) 910-6278

Most states have interstate reciprocal agreements that require them to share information on convictions for traffic violations with other states.  The most common of these agreements is the Driver’s Licensed Compact (DLC), signed by 45 states plus the District of Columbia. If you are convicted of a speeding ticket in North Carolina and you live in Florida, eventually the Florida DMV is going to find out about the North Carolina conviction and take appropriate action. In addition, when a state suspends the license of an out of state driver, that driver’s home state is encouraged to also suspend the license. Due to the DLC, you must treat a North Carolina traffic ticket as seriously as if you had received it in your home state.

Why You Should Hire Our Firm

Find Out How We Can Help

Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley and know that your matter will be handled in an expeditious and professional manner at (704) 910-6278. We will keep points off your driving record and money in your wallet.

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