Effect of Traffic Ticket on Insurance Premiums

Effect of Traffic Ticket on Insurance Premiums

North Carolina drivers will be assessed insurance points if convicted of a moving violation or if they have an at-fault accident during a three-year period. This three-year period is determined to be the three-year period immediately preceding the date of application, or the date of preparation of renewal of your insurance policy. A conviction includes pleas of guilty, no contest, suspended sentences, forfeiture of bail, and the payment of court costs and a fine.  Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, for a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced traffic ticket attorney.  We will keep your insurance premiums low and more money in your wallet.  (704) 910-6278

Table of Insurance Points

A conviction or plea to a traffic ticket can cause a driver to incur insurance points that will cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket.  Below is an insurance surcharge table that shows what percentage your insurance premium will increase based on how many insurance points you accumulate.

Insurance Surcharge Table

1 Point– 25% increase                         7 Point– 180% increase

2 Point– 45% increase                         8 Point– 220% increase

3 Point– 65% increase                         9 Point– 260% increase

4 Point– 90% increase                       10 Point– 300% increase

5 Point– 120% increase                     11 Point– 350% increase

6 Point– 150% increase                     12 Point– 400% increase


Find Out How We Can Help

Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley and know that your speeding ticket or traffic violation will be handled in an expeditious and professional manner.  Let us help put money back in your wallet and keep insurance points down.  Call our office for a Free Confidential Consultation at (704) 910-6278.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

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