Red light/Stop Sign Violation

Red light/Stop Sign Violation

Receiving a traffic ticket for running a stop sign or red light can be a huge inconvenience in your life but if handled improperly, a traffic ticket can lead to serious legal and financial consequences down the road.  Most motorists are under the belief that they do not need an attorney to handle their traffic ticket and in a limited number of instances they are correct.  However, in most situations a consultation with an attorney will keep more points off driving record and keep your insurance premiums lower than if you handled the ticket yourself.  Contact the Law Offices of Banks Huntley at (704) 910-6278 and find out how you can keep your driving record clean and more money in your wallet.

Some of the most common tickets issued in North Carolina are failing to stop at a stop sign and running a red light.  Often times a motorist doesn’t even realize that they have run a stop sign or red light until they are pulled over by the officer. Both violations are governed under North Carolina General Statute §20-158.  A conviction or plea of guilty to either of these offenses will result in three points being added to your driving record in addition to increased insurance premiums. Often times these offenses can be plead down to an offense that will have no points or fewer points assessed against your driver’s license and insurance premiums.

There are multiple ways to fight tickets for running a stop sign or red light, if you hire an experienced traffic ticket attorney. Mr. Huntley is in traffic court on a daily basis and has developed an outstanding relationship among prosecutors, judges, and fellow attorneys.  Mr. Huntley is a former North Carolina State Prosecutor and is able to look at your case from both sides of the fence.  He personally handles each case and will work with prosecutors to get your traffic matter dismissed or plead down to a lesser offense.  Often times Mr. Huntley can appear in court on your behalf so that you can avoid the long lines and drawn out process of traffic court. Mr. Huntley will attend to your case in an expeditious manner and will notify you of the disposition of your case once it has been handled. The Law Offices of Banks Huntley will be able to save you time and money.

Why You Should Hire Our Firm


Find Out How We Can Help

At the Law Offices of Banks Huntley, we offer a FREE Confidential Consultation with an experienced traffic ticket attorney at an affordable price.  We welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person or over the phone to discuss your traffic matter and give you advice that will be tailored to your particular situation.  Contact our firm today at (704) 910-6278 and know that you are in good hands.

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